Who invested in Chia Network?
I'm curious to know the investors behind Chia Network. Who are the individuals or entities that have invested in this particular network?

How much is Chia Network in usd?
I'm interested in finding out the current value of Chia Network in US dollars. I would like to know the exchange rate or market price of Chia Network against the USD.

Who owns Chia Network?
Could you elaborate on the ownership structure of Chia Network? I'm particularly interested in understanding who the primary stakeholders are and how the network is governed. Does Chia have a centralized authority, or is it more decentralized in its leadership? Who are the founding members, and have there been any significant changes in ownership since its inception? Additionally, are there any publicly available documents or resources that provide further insight into Chia's ownership structure and governance model? I'd appreciate a concise yet thorough answer to help me better grasp the network's ownership dynamics.